A 22 B 24 (delw)/(delx) = x/sqrt(x^2 y^2 z^2) (delw)/(dely) = y/sqrt(x^2 y^2 z^2) (delw)/(delz) = z/sqrt(x^2 y^2 z^2) Since you're dealing with a multivariable function, you must treat x, y, and z as independent variables and calculate the partial derivative of w, your dependent variable, with respect to x, y, and z When you differentiate with respect to x, you treat y and z asLagrange Multipliers Minimum of f(x, y, z) = x^2 y^2 z^2 subject to x y z 9 = 0

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⇒ (x y) 2 z 2 ∴ (a 2 b 2) = (a b) (a b) ⇒ (x y z) (x y z) As we know, (x y z) = 0 ∴ x 2 y 2 z 2 2xy = 0 × (x y z) = 0 Join The Discussion Comment * Related Questions on Algebra If a * b = 2a 3b ab, then 3 * 5 5 * 3 is equal to?F = bxy2,bx2y,(x2 y2)z2 and S is the closed surface bounding the region D consisting of the solid cylinder x2 y2 6 a2 and 0 6 z 6 b Solution This is a problem for which the divergence theorem is ideally suited Calculating the divergence of → F, we get → ∇→ F = h∂x,∂y,∂zi bxy 2,bx2y,(x2 y2)z2 = (x2 y )(b2z) Applying the divergence theorem we get ZZ S 0 The case p = 2 is dealt with by explcit counting So assume p > 2 Let m be the number of solutions F p × acts on the set of solution by coordinatewise multiplication, where we have ( c x, c y, c z) = ( x, y, z) iff c = 1 or x = y = z = 0, that is all orbits except that of the trivial solution have length p − 1
Cm x^2 y^22xy xy 1 >0 HOC24 Lớp học Lớp học Tất cả Lớp 12 Lớp 11 Lớp 10 Lớp 9 Lớp 8 Lớp 7 Lớp 6 Lớp 5 Lớp 4 Lớp 3 Lớp 2 Lớp 1 Hỏi đáp ĐềA) ϕ(xyz, y z) = 0 B) ϕ(y z, y x2 y2 z2) = 0 C) ϕ(y 2, z 2) = 0 D) None of these Correct Answer B) ϕ(y z, y x2 y2 z2) = 0 Part of solved Aptitude questions and answers >> Aptitude Login to BookmarkTìm x, y, z biết 2x^22y^2z^22xy2xz2yz10x6y34=0 Tìm x;


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x3y4z = 0 First we rearrange the equation of the surface into the form f(x,y,z)=0 x^22z^2 = y^2 x^2 y^2 2z^2 = 0 And so we have our function f(x,y,z) = x^2 y^2 2z^2 In order to find the normal at any particular point in vector space we use the Del, or gradient operator grad f(x,y,z) = (partial f)/(partial x) hat(i) (partial f)/(partial y) hat(j) (partial f)/(partial zView pde paul21pdf from MATH 121 at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi 2 Eliminate the arbitrary function f from the equations ans (y − z)p (z − x)q = x −We have x^2y^2=36z^2 and xy=10z, which gives (10z)^22xy=36z^2 or xy=3210zz^2 and xyz=32z10z^2z^3 Also, (xy)^2\geq4xy, which gives 3z^2z28\leq0 or 2\leq z\leq\frac{14}{3} We have x 2 y 2 = 3 6 − z 2 and x y = 1 0 − z , which gives ( 1 0 − z ) 2 − 2 x y = 3 6 − z 2 or x y = 3 2 − 1 0 z z 2 and x y z = 3 2 z − 1 0 z 2 z 3

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